Why Your Manifestations Aren't Working (And What You Can Do About It)!

If you’ve been on the manifestation train for a while, then you know the typical ways recommended to manifest your desires into physical reality: vision boards, affirmations, and keeping your manifesting thoughts at the top of your mind. 

And if you’ve been trying to manifest for a while and your manifestations aren’t happening, there are two very likely reasons for that.

  1. Your conscious mind isn’t on board. 

This is an interesting one, because we tend to think that our conscious mind is naturally on board with us for our manifestations, particular when we really really want them. But the reality is that oftentimes even our conscious mind is working against us. 

How can you tell?

If you try thinking your manifestation thought, for example, “I am happy,” and yet you don’t actually feel happy, or anywhere even near happy, and you hear the voice in your head say, “No you’re not” (or any other negative or opposing thought), then you know that your conscious mind is not on board with you. 

This means that what you are consciously trying to manifest (in this case, happiness) is immediately being shot down by your conscious mind. And that means: no happiness for you. 

What it also means: you’re probably at war with yourself, and it probably doesn’t feel very good, and it also probably isn’t helping anything, especially your manifestations.

So, what can you do to change this!?

In order for manifestations to work, you have to really feel into them. This means that you are really truly feeling that what you are stating or desiring is actually yours, right here, right now, in this very moment. So if happiness is on your list, then that means that you have to find something in your life to be happy for and you need to put yourself in that energetic space as often as possible. 

There is always something to be happy for and sometimes nothing new is actually needed in your life other than a perspective shift. So even if it is something little - find happiness in it and stay in that moment of happiness a little longer than you normally do. And when you go to say your affirmations, draw up that feeling of happiness for that thing or person or whatever it is that brings you to that space and pause and embody it - really fully lean into the feeling of happiness as you say, “I am happy.” Now, you are feeling it. Your conscious mind is actually seeing proof of your happiness! And now, you will bring more of it to you.

The law of attraction states that you will bring to you more of what you already are. So if you want happiness, then you must find where you already have happiness, tap into that energy more frequently, and then you will bring more of it to you.

Additionally, if your conscious mind is immediately shutting down your affirmations, you need to address it. This is as simple as hearing what the thought is saying, but choosing not to listen to it. We have somewhere in the range of 50,000 thoughts per day. You do not need to believe everything that you think! So when you hear the counteracting thought - you can pause, ask yourself if it’s true (it might be, but it also very well might not be) and then replace it - again, with your affirmation. 

2. Your subconscious mind is not on board. 

Interestingly, our subconscious is responsible for about 95% of what we think, say, and do throughout our lives, and yet we don’t even have conscious awareness of it! That is wild to say the very least. However, there are ways to access the subconscious mind so that you can get all of your energy on board and working for you, rather than against you.

The subconscious mind is the energy that is taking place just beneath the surface and out of reach of your conscious mind without taking an extra step to access it.

You can access your subconscious through journaling, meditation, yoga (particularly yin yoga), energy work, intuitive readings, hypnosis, and any other modality that helps you connect to the deeper levels of your psyche. 

An example I often see where the subconscious mind works against an individual is with regards to income. If a person is attempting to manifest a higher income, but yet their subconscious belief is that they aren’t worth more money (even if they consciously think that they are) then that energy will prevent the money from coming to them. You will never allow yourself to make more than you believe you are worth - at least from a conscious and subconscious standpoint. 

So if your manifestations are not working for you and you know your conscious mind is on board with them (meaning there is no opposing energy when you say your affirmations or look at your vision board or do a visualization meditation) then the subconscious mind is probably to blame. 

You can choose to work with a healer, intuitive, hypnotist or other therapist, or you can try to dive in on your own to figure out what subconscious beliefs are going on beneath the surface that are blocking you from living the life you really want to be living. 

Once you make the subconscious known, you then can take the steps to shift it and your energy to create the reality you truly desire.

The life you are living right now is the life that you have created as a result of your energy. If your life looks exactly how you want it to look, awesome! Congrats to you! But you probably wouldn't even have clicked on this blog post if that were the case. 

If it doesn’t look how you really would like it to look, then know two things:

  1. You need to work on your energy, and particularly your conscious and subconscious beliefs. 

  2. You can create the reality you truly desire and nothing is beyond your reach, but it is going to take more than a vision board and a few affirmations to get you there. You and your life are worth the effort that it will take, and nothing is impossible. Never forget that.

You deserve to live the life of your dreams, simply because you exist as a human being in this world, and you are enough. If you can dream it; you can achieve it. Keep going.

If you enjoyed this blog, check out the accompanying Youtube video. I go into a bit more detail in an animated approach. 

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Hi, I’m Erica

As a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and Intuitive, I’ve come to experience the world in a very different way. I am a lover of all things energy! I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything. I’m here to help you shift your energy and change your life!


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