I’m so happy you’ve found your way here!
This is an intensive program that helps you move past old, stuck, and heavy energy, connect to yourself on a deeper level than ever before, and find physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual freedom within.
This program is best suited for three types of people:
Those who have not started their spiritual journey but are ready to begin
Those who are on their spiritual journey but need more guidance and support
Those who have been on their spiritual journey for a while and have reached a place of stagnancy and have been unable to move past it on their own
I’ll guide you through a no-nonsense, straight to the point deep dive into your body, heart, mind, and soul with the intention of bringing you closer to your soul and to a brand new vibration.
Do you want to get to know yourself and your soul on a deeper level?
Are you a spiritual seeker looking to go deeper in your own body, heart, mind, and soul?
Are you ready to explore your life purpose or find peace in the life you’re currently living?
Do you have a dream but you’re too afraid to chase it?
If you answered a “YES” to any of the above questions, this program is for you.
It’s time to align your life with your soul.
What program graduates are saying:
Embark on a journey through your chakra system to clear, activate, and align each of your chakras in a very methodical approach to healing and transformation.
Based on research, experience, self-discovery and results from working professionally with clients over the past six years, the program combines the following elements to help you raise your vibration and live a soul aligned life:
1. Reiki sessions: (In Studio or Distance)
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. On the higher levels, Reiki energy has the ability to clear your energy field and chakras from excess stored heavy and uncomfortable energy that keeps you from living life on your terms.
It is an incredibly powerful tool to clear and rebalance your energy field and helps you achieve your desired outcome faster.
2. Intuitive readings:
Intuitive guidance helps you understand yourself and your energy and motivations on a much deeper level.
You’ll receive a chakra, multi-level consciousness, and overall energy field reading with each session, helping bring to light the pieces of your energy that may be hidden from you. You, like every human, have blind spots, and with intuitive readings you can draw them out to be healed and released.
3. Coaching sessions:
Coaching ensures that you don’t allow yourself to stay stuck in your “story” and prevent yourself from living the life you truly wish to be living. You can create any life you truly desire. Coaching helps you move away the invisible barriers to creating that life.
4. Yin yoga classes:
Yin yoga helps you heal and connect to your body and release stuck emotional energy.
The included yin yoga classes help you fully embody each aspect of the program. They align with the assignments and chakras you cover in each section.
All of the yin classes are pre-recorded so you can fit them into your schedule however works best for you.
5. Journaling and self-reflection:
By journaling, you open up the channels to the deeper aspects of your own mind and soul, thereby creating a pathway to your highest truth and highest self.
Guided journaling and self-reflection are complemented by a yin yoga class relating to the topic.
6. Self-celebration and self-love:
Weaved in throughout the program are assignments to help you celebrate and love yourself through the entire process.
7. Meditation:
You are encouraged to meditate daily while in the program to deepen your meditation and intuitive abilities.
Several guided meditations are included as well as guidance on how to interpret through your intuitive abilities. This is a skill that you can practice and learn with both time and patience.
Intuitive abilities are a natural part of your being but it is often not until your mind has learned to quiet down that they can be fully realized and enjoyed.
Read how program graduates have changed:
What sets this program apart from the rest:
1. You are not bombarded with tons of new information.
We cover only what you need to know to connect to your soul. There’s no extra fluff or hours of unnecessary reading. Basic information, how it applies to your life, and the exact steps to take to fully understand and live from a new space with your aligned chakras. If desired, we can explore any spiritual topics you’re interested in on a deeper level.
2. We incorporate your mind, body, and spirit.
Most offerings focus on one of these aspects at a time rather than all three together. This makes integration so much harder than it needs to be. The program moves you through each section with combined body, mind, and spirit approaches to move through blocks way faster than ever before.
3. The program is intentionally intense and short.
Deep processing and releasing, along with energy clearing, allows you to move on from the heavy spaces without getting sucked into them. A lot of offerings out there actually keep you stuck in spaces longer than necessary. While the program honors everything you have experienced and all of your emotions and feelings fully, it does not allow you to stay in heavy spaces any longer than absolutely necessary to heal. You will move into a new space of understanding about yourself, your experiences, and how to take your power back.
What you need to participate:
1. An open mind.
The program takes you on a journey through your chakra system, one of the oldest ways of understanding the body, its energy field, and how it relates to life. Yin yoga directly affects the chakra system in a positive and powerful way, while the assignments, journaling, and self-reflection are designed to help clear, activate, and align each chakra. Seven sessions of Reiki, a powerful energy healing modality, is included to assure your chakra system is fine tuned and helping you create the best experience of life possible.
2. A willing heart.
It’s often said that self-love is the answer to all of life’s troubles. The program creates a space for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level and learn to truly love yourself, even in all of your imperfectness. If you’re willing to consider different perspectives and open your heart to yourself, real transformation can occur.
3. A commitment to yourself.
You’re the only one who can complete the program. If you are willing to commit to yourself, your quality of life, and your future dreams, you will succeed. You’ll have all the tools and be supported fully along your journey to freedom.
Q + A:
What’s the time commitment?
Daily journaling and self-reflection assignments 5 days per week with a light assignment for the weekend (20-60 minutes)
Three yin yoga classes per week (pre-recorded, so you can take them on your time, approximately 80 minutes)
Weekly one-on-one distance reiki, intuitive reading, and spiritual guidance/coaching sessions (2 hours)