Reiki Trainings
Reiki is a Japanese technique of energy healing. If you have a desire to learn more about spirituality, heal yourself or others, or increase your intuitive abilities, you can learn Reiki.
Our trainings are the most comprehensive Reiki trainings you will find. You’ll be taught all you need to know to give successful healing Reiki sessions as well as unlimited, life time access to an online manual with unsurpassed information. I share knowledge from my years working full time in my Reiki business and hundreds of completed Reiki sessions to help you be the best Reiki practitioner you can be. The online manuals are continually updated with new information and case studies and can answer most questions you have about sharing Reiki in the world.
Many of my trainees have gone on to either start their own businesses or add Reiki to another modality. Training focuses on meeting your exact goals. Reiki can be an incredibly empowering tool to use for self healing in addition to healing others.
As a Reiki trainee, you’ll receive what are known as “attunements” during your training session. Attunements help you raise your vibration and shift your energy closer to your original energy. The attunement energy also helps you open up your intuitive gifts (everyone is intuitive).
All trainings are eight hours in length. Group trainings are scheduled every few months or on demand. Private trainings are available to be scheduled year round. Reiki trainings can be virtual via Zoom or in person depending on your location. *If you have two or more individuals that would like to train together, a group session can be scheduled at your convenience.
All trainings include lifetime access to an online manual. Manuals cover all aspects of Reiki as well as additional related spiritual topics. It is the most comprehensive manual available and written from years of experience working full time in the field providing both in person and distance sessions.
All students are invited to participate in Reiki shares to continue to hone your skills and have the opportunity to receive Reiki from well trained practitioners. Reiki students are also invited to volunteer their time with the Heartland Hospice if desired. Our graduated Reiki students have found this to be one of the most fulfilling ways to share their Reiki healing with others.
As a collective we are now, perhaps more than ever, in need of healing. Whether you intend to heal yourself and deepen your connection with you through the certification process or share the beautiful energy of Reiki with others, any action you take as an individual affects the whole. We’re here to help you achieve the best life possible for yourself and those who cross your life path.
If you have any questions about training, please call Erica (609) 442-4266 or send an email to
Please utilize the form below to request more information or sign up.
Reiki Level 1
Having a Reiki 1 certification means that you can practice Reiki on yourself and others (including plants, animals, crystals, etc.) in person. The Reiki 1 attunement process is incredible in helping you open yourself up to the universe and the flow of life, increase your intuitive ability, and increase the connection you have with you. It is a beautiful way to both deeply heal and deeply love yourself.
Group Training, Virtual, $325
Group Training, In-Person, $360
Private Training, Virtual, $425
Private Training, In-Person, $525
The next group in person Reiki 1 training is scheduled for Saturday, February 1st, 2025 from 10:30am-6:30pm at our new studio location - 801 Asbury Ave, Suite 311 (3rd Floor), Ocean City, NJ
Please use the form below to sign up or request a group or private training.
**SPECIAL OPTION** Join in for a Reiki Refresher: If you have previously trained with Soul Dreams Studio, either in person or virtual, you are welcome to join in for a “Reiki Refresher.”
Perfect for those who trained virtually during the pandemic but who would like a hands on experience of training and practice in person
Perfect for those who were certified in the past but haven’t incorporated Reiki into their life
Perfect for those who need a little extra information, encouragement, and practice to feel more comfortable sharing Reiki
Perfect for those who would like access to the online manual and a refresh of all things Reiki!
Reiki Refresher special pricing: $150. Includes lifetime access to online Reiki 1 Manual
If you’re signing up for a Reiki Refresher, please indicate that in the comments.
Reiki Level 2
This training builds upon Reiki 1 by adding symbols to direct your Reiki energy more intentionally and provides attunements and training for you to provide distance Reiki sessions for others. The Reiki 2 certification takes your energy to the next level and allows you to heal your past wounds, make peace with your past, send Reiki into the future, and increase your intuitive ability. Reiki 2 graduates are invited to participate in Reiki shares offered throughout the year for additional practice and healing.
Group Training, Virtual, $325
Group Training, In-Person, $360
Private Training, Virtual, $425
Private Training, In-Person, $525
Prerequisite: Completion of Reiki 1 training, either with Soul Dreams Studio or elsewhere.
The next in person Reiki 2 group training is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st, 2025, from 10:30am-6:30pm at our new studio location - 801 Asbury Ave, Suite 311 (3rd Floor), Ocean City, NJ
Please use the form below to sign up or request a private training.
Reiki Master
This is the final certification for Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher if you have already completed the Reiki 1 & 2 level trainings. This course provides the final attunement and training to both teach and practice as a Reiki Master, as well as give you the ability to attune others to Reiki. This certification allows you to open yourself up to the fullest Reiki level possible, increasing your intuitive ability and your energetic impact. This certification is for Reiki Master Teacher and Pracitioner.
Reiki Master Level Certification, Virtual, Private: $525
Reiki Master Level Certification, In-Person, Group: $450
Reiki Master Level Certification, In-Person, Private: $575
Prerequisite: Completion of Reiki 1 & 2 trainings, either with Soul Dreams Studio or elsewhere.
Reiki Master Trainings are held at our new studio location - 801 Asbury Ave, Suite 311 (3rd Floor), Ocean City, NJ. We do not have a group training scheduled for 2025. Please use the form to request a private training if interested.
Please request Reiki Master group or private training using the form below.
Sign up for training:
Please note my email response may end up in your spam folder! If you haven’t gotten a response within 48 hours, please check your spam folder or call me directly at (609) 442-4266. Thank you!
“Erica is an amazing teacher with a peaceful spirit that gives others an inspiration to heal and believe that anything is possible.”
— Lilly O.
“Thank you for walking with me heart to heart on this experience of energy and discovering who I am and how to live in love and power and to be fully myself and in that know that I am complete and whole. To know that I am enough. And to equip me to spread and share all this peace and joy with others.”
— A.L.
“Thank you for being the most influential teacher and mentor I’ve had the honor to work with in this lifetime. ”
— D.L.