Let's Talk About Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakras are all the buzz these days, and rightfully so. But the theory of chakras has been around way longer than the newest books, yoga classes, and home decor have. And, these powerful energy centers do more than just look pretty on a wall hanging - they actually affect your entire life


There are seven main chakras in your energy field that get the most attention when people talk about the chakras. 

They are:

  1. The Root

  2. The Sacral

  3. The Solar Plexus

  4. The Heart

  5. The Throat

  6. The Third Eye

  7. The Crown

The solar plexus is the third chakra in your system and this chakra is all about power!

This is the space of your empowerment, confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, and individuality. When this chakra is balanced, you’ll feel powerful to stand in your truth and authenticity, show up in the world as your true, most authentic self, and have confidence and feel empowered while doing so. 

This chakra being balanced leads you to:

  • Feel centered and confident to be your authentic self in the world

  • Feel you have the right to be yourself in the world

  • Feel you have the right to experience your life as you truly desire to experience it

  • Feel you have the self-esteem and self-worth to support you

  • Feel powerful and aligned

  • Feel supported to take action in making your manifestations your reality

When this chakra is not balanced, you may find it difficult to be yourself in the world. You may give your energy away to other people, your work, your family, organizations or just society in general. The choices you make may be influenced by what other people think or the advice they offer. 

When this chakra is balanced, you are your own authority. You determine what is best for you based on your life experiences and desires and do not let outside factors or opinions affect your ability to make decisions from your authentic self and true nature. While outside advice may be helpful and supportive, nothing except for your own self is your final decision maker for your life. 

The solar plexus is important when it comes to living a fulfilling and authentic life. The energy in this space must be balanced for energy to continue to flow up your chakras and through your entire chakra system freely. 

Energy flows from the bottom of your chakras (starting with the root, located at the base of your spine) through to the top, at the crown chakra (located at the top of your head). If energy isn’t able to flow up through your chakras it will get stuck in a space and only some (or none at all) will continue up through your chakra system. This will leave you feeling out of balance. (Because, well, you are).

The solar plexus is often affected by the energy of shame. If you have not been supported in your life to be your authentic self or you feel shame around who you truly are and how you truly want to be living, then this chakra can be compromised. 

Take a moment to think about these questions:

  • Are you living life exactly how you want to be living it?

    • If yes, awesome! Kudos to you for making it happen!

    • If no, then ask yourself why not? Do you have fear in showing up as your most authentic self? 

  • Do you feel shame around who you are at your core? 

  • Do you feel shame around a physical, emotional, or mental aspect of yourself?

  • Do you think that there is something wrong with you?

  • Have the people in your life not been supportive of you?

  • Would you label yourself as a “confident” person? 

When answering the questions and comparing them to what you now know about the solar plexus chakra, can you determine if your solar plexus is open, active, and positively aligned? 

If it’s not, then it is time to get it on board! If you want to be creating your reality, living the life of your dreams, and showing up in the world as your full, authentic self, your solar plexus is going to need some of your love and attention. 

To get the energy of this chakra moving and get the ball rolling, try this mini Yin Yoga for the Solar Plexus class

To start showing up every day as a more authentic version of yourself, ask yourself in the beginning of the day:

What can I do to feel more empowered today? 

It can be as simple as wearing your favorite outfit, cooking a fancy dinner for yourself, taking yourself shopping, keeping yourself on a schedule, or keeping to a commitment you made for yourself (like exercise, eating healthy, or less time on social media). 

While it might seem like something small, doing the little things that build up your internal power in turn give you the foundation and stamina to do the big things (like quitting your job, starting a business, coming out of the spiritual closet, etc.). 

Never underestimate the power of the seemingly small stuff in your life, because it is from this space that you truly build your life. 

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the element of fire. If you have ever built a fire by hand, you know that you can’t just throw a large log in the center and light a match and expect it to burn.

Instead, you build the fire. You use small sticks for kindling, sometimes paper or leaves, and you start the fire at the bottom of this pile by lighting a piece of paper or leaf on fire first. Once that catches, it begins to burn the smaller pieces of wood, which in turn begin to set the larger pieces on fire. Eventually, you have burned the smaller pieces and starter items down, and you are left with just the large logs burning. 

You cannot start a fire with one large log and expect it to burn.

So when it comes to your life and building the reality you want, remember that the little pieces are not just helpful, they are necessary. Your solar plexus and all of the pieces it entails are the same way.

Build your confidence day by day. Find your power within. Do things that make you feel powerful and aligned. Show up for yourself. Own who you are. Live in your authenticity. As you keep doing this, day after day, it becomes who you are. Then, you’re no longer thinking consciously about it because it is you and you have embodied it. 

You are here to live this one, incredible, amazing, beautiful life of yours however YOU want to be living it. This is your life to live, and no one else’s. Whatever you dream you can create. 

At times, this might mean you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Other times it might mean you have to shift your priorities or your perspective. But just know that anything you desire can be yours. You only have to believe in yourself, believe in your life, and invest in you. 

If you enjoyed this blog, check out the accompanying Yin Yoga for the Solar Plexus class on YouTube. 

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Ready to take a deep internal dive to clear and activate all seven chakras and step into your full authenticity? You can with my signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom. Live the life you were destined to live. Click here for more info. 

Click here to schedule a free consultation call with or individual session with Erica.

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Hi, I’m Erica

As a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and Intuitive, I’ve come to experience the world in a very different way. I am a lover of all things energy! I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything. I’m here to help you shift your energy and change your life!


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