Read some reviews below about Reiki sessions with Erica or our signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom. Please note that we were required to change our business name in 2024, so some reviews state our old business name, which we no longer use. We are grateful for your presence and hope to work with you soon!

“Erica is truly amazing. In 2022 I treated myself to a yoga/reiki session for my birthday which also happened to be two days after a chemotherapy treatment. I almost canceled the session due to nausea from my treatment, but pushed through and boy was I glad that I did. After Erica worked on me the nausea was completely gone. Now, in 2024, still trying to rebuild my strength after being knocked down by breast cancer treatments, I turned to Erica for help once again. I was feeling heavy, stuck, and exhausted to the core, but after just one reiki session I was able to catch a glimpse of my former self that I thought was long gone. I feel my energy coming back and even walked out of the session with more pep in my step than I’ve had in months. Erica is wonderfully gifted at what she does and I’m grateful to have found her!” - S.V., Pennsylvania

“Erica’s personal approach to spiritual and physical wellness is grounded in her incredible energy that she shares freely. She has a true gift in sharing the knowledge that empowers all of us to find our own source of power and healing. Highly recommend trying a reiki session with Erica!” - C.I., Pennsylvania

“I have been a practicing Reiki Master for about 20 years and have ran and participated in many Reiki shares. Erica is by far one of the most loving, caring, and energetic practitioners I have ever experienced. Erica is a very gifted individual and it is a pleasure to work with her when it comes to my spiritual growth. Her intuitive skills are just awesome! Erica is also one of the few individuals that I can have a truly deep spiritual conversation with; no judgement, only opportunity for growth. I recommend Erica to all who are looking for healing on all levels. She is amazing!!” - C.R., New Jersey

“Erica is amazing and healing! A friend and I enjoyed doing a sacred cacao ceremony with Erica while on a ladies retreat in OC, NJ. I’ve already recommended her to several people, and her energy is amazing. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with Erica and we can’t wait to see her again!” - M.W., Pennsylvania

“I feel like I’ve received a much needed reset and clarity, and I actually shed some tears after the session. Reiki really took me by surprise in a good way; this stuff really works. Thank you for sharing it with me, you are truly gifted.” - E.E., Norway

“I have been seeing Erica since June 2019. She has really helped me heal & GROW as a person. Services I have received from her are:

Let’s Dig In Soul to Soul Sessions (AMAZING!!) ~ Just Reiki ~ My Reiki Level 1 & 2 Attunement ~ Wellness Coaching


“I absolutely loved everything about Erica. I was dealing with something big in my life that was not only brand new to me but it was also really frightening to me once I realized it wasn’t going away. I was very hesitant in asking for help. Even though I didn’t get to meet Erica in person, I felt like Erica welcomed me with open arms and only after a couple minutes on the phone I knew I could trust her. She taught me that not only was I going to be okay but also how to embrace everything I was dealing with with love and positivity and how to bring out the right kind of energy out of myself that was there all along. This was a very special experience and has enabled me to embrace myself and this new journey I’m on every single day. I would have not been able to take the next steps without her beautiful and gifted soul - that I hope to meet one day in person! Thank you, Erica!!” - I.A., - Rhode Island

“I have had the pleasure of receiving two reiki sessions from Erica! The first session I had with her was in person and the second was a distance session. Both of her readings opened up great doors for my spiritual development and growth! During our first session I had some blocks that were tough to get through - until I had an incredible vision of a tiger leaping through the air, leaving nothing but my connection to Erica! This is something that I have never seen before in my minds eye. It was incredibly real and such a clear message to me that she had tapped into my highest self!

Erica picked up on all kinds of things that I had been feeling and thinking. She helped me to understand these feelings which gave me the validation I needed to move forward on my path. There were also answers to questions and guidance from my higher self that came through in our sessions. I was relaxed and calm during and after my time with Erica. I have used the knowledge I gained through my reiki sessions to heal and develop my mind, body, and spirit! For me, seeing Erica was an incredible addition to my spiritual knowledge base and gave me a broader understanding of my path in this life!” - N.T., New Jersey

“An inviting environment, quick response, accommodated my schedule request, great communication before and after my appointment. But, those things are relatively inconsequential compared to the immediate sense of ease and trust that Erica conveys…and the magnificent quality of the healing service she provides. While I had lots of experience with alternative therapies, I didn’t know anything about Reiki. If that is also the case with you, I suggest you go light on the research…and just trust Erica to show you the way. That approach worked very well for me.” - J.H., Pennsylvania

“From my soul to yours…I honestly should’ve gotten here yesterday. I am so grateful for Erica, the reiki she gave me, the healing, the explanations of everything I did not yet understand and the love and gentleness she portrayed each bit of information with. Honestly this is on the top 10 list of my life experiences.” - A.L., New Jersey

“If you’re looking for healing from deep within I definitely recommend for you to see Erica. I was a little skeptical about going at first and nowI’m so thankful that I decided to take the first step. Erica definitely answers all of your questions before you start your session and explains everything in detail and what she does. She definitely makes you feel comfortable and at ease. I can’t wait for my second session and super excited to enter into my journey of becoming the best version of myself. Thank you so much Erica for making me feel comfortable and at ease and for answering all of my questions!” - L.O., New Jersey

“I am so lucky and grateful that my path crossed with Erica’s. Since I started the “Four Weeks to Freedom” program, I’ve been able to really get acquainted with my emotions. I had hidden emotions that were blocking the way. I can say without a doubt that Erica’s program works. I’m still on Day 12 and I can feel a huge difference. Erica’s energy is so easy to feel, it’s hard to leave when she is done with the Reiki session (which is amazing). If you are really committed to working on yourself and finding your inner peace, Four Weeks to Freedom is definitely the way to go. If it already feels this amazon on Day 12, I can’t wait for what’s coming next!” - K.M., New Jersey

“I found Erica & Soul to Soul when I was peak “soul searching.” I always had this feeling there was more to my life that I wasn’t taking advantage of and it was possible to get in tune with my whole self…I just didn’t know how to get there. Erica and her Four Weeks to Freedom program hands down changed my life.

She is truly gifted in what she does and her Reiki/Intuitive Readings gave me exactly what I needed to get my life and myself in alignment to be able to experience what life should really be about.

I am so grateful that I found Erica and her program. She has made one of the biggest impacts on my adult life. I highly recommend her and Four Weeks to Freedom to anyone who wants to dig deep and get the most out of this beautiful life.” - S.C., New Jersey

“The whole experience for me was unexpected but wonderful. Erica has a gentle touch and soothing voice that guides you through the process. Soul to Soul session felt like an emotional storm that started with the waves of sadness and some tears followed by peaceful and calm release. It’s my second day after and I have never felt so at ease. I am ready for the new doors to open in my personal development. Very grateful to have my first soul to soul experience with Erica!” - K.H., New Jersey

“I am so grateful for Erica’s ability to validate my experience and encourage me at such a vulnerable time at the beginning of my journey. When I met her I didn’t know I was an intuitive empath and that the energy of others and the world affected me greatly. My sessions and trainings with her helped me to heal past wounds, protect myself energetically, and get to know my soul, all of which allowed me to harness energy to create the life I always wanted. I highly recommend Erica if you are starting out on the spiritual path or feel called towards change but maybe aren’t sure what it is yet. Erica is kind, understanding, and will tell you the truth. I am so happy I met her! Thank you Erica.” - J.B., New Jersey

“Erica is amazing! Finding her was a true gift! What a kind soul in this crazy world. She gave me a wealth of information that I have been using since our session. Thank you again and I definitely will be back.” - D.T., New Jersey

“I had the most amazing session with Erica. It had been a long time since I had received reiki healing, and I wasn’t sure what to expect or how I would feel after. It exceeded my expectations and I feel so renewed and refreshed, like a clean slate.” - P.S., New Jersey

“I first came to Erica last summer for a Reiki session, never having something like reiki done before. Little did I know that Erica would not only open the door for me to a world of personal healing but she helped me to discover a total lifestyle change. Erica embodies qualities of an exceptional teacher: compassion, knowledge, and selflessness. She is a genuine guide for you to learn how to become the best version of you. Since my first experience, I have taken endless reiki sessions (both in person and distance, which is incredible!), took her reiki level 1 training course, participated in yin yoga classes, and immersed myself in the Four Weeks to Freedom program. Erica supported me every step of the way and provided me the tools and resources to become my authentic self and understand what true healing looks like. I am endlessly grateful for Erica’s time, service, and energy and would recommend any of her services to anyone and everyone!” - A.R., Pennsylvania

“My reiki session with Erica was cosmic! She’s a beautiful, enlightened woman, who makes you feel so warm and comfortable the moment you meet her. Her space is so clean and inviting and the positive energy it exudes is almost visible. Her spirit alone is enough to calm you immensely upon arrival. I’ve never had a reiki session and didn’t know what to expect. It didn’t take me long to realize I was exactly where I needed to be. Erica is so professional and a master of her craft. She honestly changed my life through her gift. My reading was so deeply impactful, it forever altered the way I view myself and my place in this existence. I’ll forever be grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her, and I really can’t wait to visit again. True happiness lies within all of us. Sometimes we just need a little help to heal so we can see it for what it truly is. If you don’t believe in healing, being truly awake, and finding real happiness within yourself, you probably haven’t visited Soul to Soul yet.” - D.L., New Jersey

“For years, I buried my true self – I shoved my soul down as far as I could push it, suppressing it for the sake of comfort. I was scared to be the person I truly am, the person I’m supposed to be. Erica revealed who that person is and guided me toward becoming that person. As a result of being in touch with me, I’m happier than ever and living a life of purpose and fulfillment – and the best part is, the best has yet to come.” - K.S., New Jersey

“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from my reiki session. I felt the need to tap into my higher self and open my third eye. I want to be the best version of myself possible. I set my intention to be happy, healthy, and at peace. I’ve had several sessions with Erica. I am so thrilled with the advances I have made along a more spiritual path. She in no way claims to be a medium and does not “call in” anyone. She gives an intuitive reading from what messages she picks up while scanning your body. In my case I have received messages from my husband, and messages from what I believe are from my higher self or someone higher than me for sure (insert God, or in my case angels, or whatever you happen to believe in) guiding me in the direction I am seeking to go. It’s your energy she’s working with, and with her help you manage to unblock where you may be “stuck.” I always feel light and energized afterwards, even though some sad emotions may pop up, because now I feel like I have the tools to work with. After the reiki, she sits and tells you what she picked up during the session. Feel free to tape what she says, because you’ll want to remember it all. I cannot begin to tell you how much this has helped me in so many ways. She is truly gifted. The thing I like best is her goal is for me to NOT need her. To get me to where I can receive these messages on my own. It is starting to happen, and for me that is a huge accomplishment. I am forever grateful to have met Erica and to have her reiki services in my life. I am sure you will be equally pleased.”

 D.C., New Jersey

 “When Erica first told me her experience while she was performing reiki, I was dumbfounded. I had so many questions. I myself am not a spiritual person, but being that Erica is a good friend, I knew her well. I trusted her judgement, so I decided to take the plunge and have her do a session on me.

Initially I was a bit hesitant, and also very nervous. Erica could read that on me right away. My mind was going all sorts of directions. What if this doesn’t work on me because I am not a spiritual person? What if becomes too intense and I have to ask her to stop? As the session progressed, I felt myself start to relax. Intense relaxation, I almost fell asleep during the session. When the session was over, Erica shocked me. She told me I had to let go of a man I was holding onto, even describing what he looked like. She has never seen this man before. As she went on, she told me she had seen me as an advocate. Advocacy work was something I always played with in my mind, but I never expressed it outloud. Erica then proceeded to get into a childhood memory, something I also never told her about. Although the experience shook me in the sense she knew things I never told her, I put the session in the back of my mind.

Now I can’t tell you exactly how long after, but one day I felt something. It was as if I woke up, I had an overwhelming sense of clarity. I knew what I had to do with my life suddenly. I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, and applied to become a child advocate for children in the foster care system. I knew where I had to be in my life, it was incredible.

I’m smiling more, laughing more, sleeping better. Erica I can say has honestly saved me from myself. I had no idea how much I was holding back and I credit the reiki session for opening my mind and my heart. I am so thankful to have a person like Erica in my life, as a friend and now, a spiritual guide.”

 S.S., New Jersey