How to Avoid Going Backwards On Your Spiritual Journey

This blog post is for those of you who are already on your spiritual journey. 

This means that at some point, you woke up to your own b.s., decided to face it head on, and you’re in the process of making some major life changes (even if your “major life change” is presently swapping Netflix for meditation time, that’s still huge, and it counts).

Basically, if you have made a conscious decision to level up your life and you are doing the work to make it happen, then this article is for you.

Now that we’ve made that clear, let’s begin.

So here you are, working on yourself, meditating, diving in deeply, and things start shifting and you are feeling really good. Like, so freaking good and life just starts flowing. 

You are making new choices that are more in alignment with who you truly are and you aren’t settling for the things you used to accept from other people, your job, or even your own self. 

You feel like you’ve entered some sort of alternate universe (well, you kinda have) and everything just falls into place almost effortlessly for you! “Life is so amazing,” you think to yourself often. (P.S.: it really is, always, even the not so fun parts).

With all this amazing energy flowing through you, you decide to make a major life change or, alternatively, the universe makes it for you.

This could mean you decide to leave your job (or you get fired, promoted, transferred, etc.) or you leave a partner (or they leave you) or you meet a new partner, start your own business, go back to school, etc. Basically, something really big shifts as a result of your new vibration and once it feel horrible

Like, super horrible.

“Wait, what happened? I was flying high on the spiritual path! I thought I made it!? Why do I feel like this?”

The interesting thing is that you did make it. You were flying high on the spiritual path and you actually still are - it just might not feel that way in this moment, and here’s why: 

You, by making this major shift in your life (or by the universe helping you along with it) have shifted into a new vibrational space. Congrats!

Right about now you're probably thinking, “I thought that raising my vibration was supposed to make me feel better, not worse.” Well, you’re right about that, but the way you expected it to go might not look the same as how it actually goes. 

Here’s why: 

Whenever you shift your vibration significantly, you begin to occupy a new energetic space in the world. At this new vibration, some of the old stuff you were still carrying around or ways of behavior you might not have even known you had can’t survive. What that means for you is that all of what is no longer serving you is going to come flying up to the surface so it can be faced.

That part usually doesn’t feel so good. 

And it doesn’t feel so good because it is uncomfortable. You are, once again, discovering things about yourself you’d probably rather not see. You’re coming to terms with aspects of your life that you know need to be changed. You might be finding that you need to let go of certain people, places, or things. 

Basically, it might even feel like you are back at square one all over again. In fact, sometimes it feels way worse than it ever did before.

You might think, “But I already did all of that stuff.” 

You might also think, “I don’t want to do this again.”

I hear you. But this is why I’m here and this is why I’m writing this blog post to begin with.

When you make a conscious decision to work on yourself and level up your life, you are going to face some tough moments. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Everyone is most definitely not doing it. Why? Because it ain’t so easy. 

Also remember that this is a choice. You can stop right here, right now, and not move a single step further. You can live the rest of your life in this space if you’d like to. In fact, you can even go backwards if you want. Plenty of people have done so. But if you’re still reading at this point, I’m guessing that’s not you and not what you want to do.

So kudos to you and here’s how to get to the other side of this new vibration:

1. Know that you didn’t do anything wrong. 

This didn’t happen because of something you didn’t do or something you did wrong. This happened because you did a whole bunch of things right! In fact, you did so much stuff right that you got to climb up the ladder of life and situate yourself at the next vibrational level and with that level comes a whole bunch of new and wonderful experiences and, as you are seeing in this very moment, growth. (I’ll remind you once again that growth can be pretty painful). I’ll also remind you that this phase doesn’t last forever and that there are ways to move through it faster and less painfully. Read on.

2. Know that at each new vibration, you will create a new life.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean completely totally brand spanking new life each and every time you level up, but it definitely means that a whole lot doesn’t come along with you and a whole lot of new stuff will now align with you. This could come by the way of new friends, new lovers, new job opportunities, new career connections, etc. 

It also means that all the stuff that you might have vibbed with at the old vibration is no longer going to be able to hang with you in this new space. So, if there are any behaviors you’re clinging to that aren’t serving you (like social media stalking your ex and his new fling) or people (your ex, again) or places (that bar you went to together every Friday night) or things (the sweater he gave you for Christmas last year) it now has got to go.

And it could be anything. It could be your sleeping patterns (maybe at this new vibration, you need a solid eight hours of rest every night). It could be the way you eat (vegan, anyone)? It could be the way you think about things (over-thinking ends here). It could be what you drink (you + caffeine = no more).

The bottom line is that anything that does not align with this new you and this higher vibration is going to come on up to be seen, felt, experienced, remembered, cleared, and tossed in the trash because if you try to keep it with you, you will stay feeling as crappy as you do right now in this very moment. 

Leveling up means leveling out all that does not serve you any longer. 

Remember, you got to this space with this exact process, so you know how to handle it this round too.

3. This is a good time to remind you that this is all a choice. 

You don’t have to do any of this. You are consciously choosing to do so. And by consciously choosing to uplevel your life, you don’t get to complain about it. 

There’s no room for a pity party at this higher vibration. There’s only room for growth, taking new actions, feeling grateful and empowered, and showing up for yourself one hundred and fifty percent. And when you don’t really feel like it, those are the days you need to do it even more. 

And if you really don’t feel like it, then stop. You can stop right where you are. You can turn around and go backwards. It is all a choice. No one is forcing you to evolve, but I can tell you life feels a whole lot better when you leave your heavy baggage behind and set yourself free. But, you’re the one who has to want it. 

4. The way you look at things changes everything.

Perspective is EVERYTHING. If you’ve been around a while, you’ve certainly heard me say that energy is everything, and it is. Perspective is how you direct your energy. You get to choose how you view the world (can we just pause and give that a moment on its get to decide how you want to view the world. That is huge)! 

That also means that you can view your current situation as something horrible you have to go through, yet again, or you can view it as the best darn thing that ever did happen to you because you know that the other side of it is a version of you that is much closer to your most authentic self than the version of you that started out on this trek, probably not even knowing too much about who she was and what she wanted out of life.

You, by some amazing stroke of fate or luck or because you hit rock bottom and had to figure out a different way to live life (my experience) got a second chance at this thing called life and not only did you get a second chance but you got the second chance where people taught you that YOU get to create your reality and YOU get to decide what your life looks like and YOU get to call all of the shots and set all of the boundaries and live life fully and completely on your own terms, as long as you ditch the baggage you’ve been carrying around with you (knowingly or unknowingly), heal from your past traumas, stop caring so much about what other people think and stop listening to society, your parents, your partner, your Aunt Sally, and the neighborhood watch lady that thinks she knows what’s best for everyone on the block. 

Instead, you get to know yourself on the deepest levels (I’m not sure there is anything else more beautiful than that on Earth, truly). You get to build the life of your dreams. You get to feel inner peace. You get to live a fulfilling life. You get to be your true self in the world. 

And if it’s your jam (like it is mine), you get to help other people go through that same process too - cause you’ve done it, you know how it feels and how to navigate it, and you want others to experience it too. 

Perspective changes everything. 

5. How you got here is (almost) how you’ll get past here. 

Remember, you wouldn’t have gotten to this space if you didn’t already do a ton of self work to get here. Whatever tools you used to get yourself to this space, you can use to move yourself through this space. 

This means that your go-to’s the first go around will most likely be your go-to’s this go around, although potentially with some exceptions. You might need to add on something brand new you haven’t tried before (like a new modality or practice) or an old trusted buddy might no longer do the trick (I eventually gave up long distance running because it no longer felt aligned for me). This is, of course, a personal discovery you’ll have to make on your own, but overall, remember that you used certain tools to help you move through these heavy spaces in the past and a lot of those same tools can help you move through this heavy space now.

It seems quite obvious, but yet it's something I myself have done and have watched plenty of clients do as well.  You know that there’s something you can do to help yourself feel better, but you don’t do it. We’re so silly sometimes. 

I wish you the most peaceful, most fulfilling, and most authentic life possible. I hope you know that you deserve to live the life of your dreams, not because you have done anything special but simply because you exist as a human being in this world, and that is enough. 

If you enjoyed this blog, check out the accompanying YouTube video for an animated and more personal twist on the topics covered here. You can peep it here. 

I appreciate it when you share my posts with friends and on social media and I thank you in advance!

Ready to uplevel your life but don’t know how to leave the baggage behind for good? Check out my signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom.

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Hi, I’m Erica

As a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and Intuitive, I’ve come to experience the world in a very different way. I am a lover of all things energy! I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything. I’m here to help you shift your energy and change your life!


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