What Are Energy Cords?

Energy cords are a really unique theory that exists and I’m going to cover just one of the ways they can exist (between humans) and one way you can cut any cords that are not serving you today.

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How Cutting Energy Cords Makes it Easier to Get Over Your Ex

How to Cut an Energy Cord After a Breakup

The idea behind energy cords is that there are invisible strands of energy that connect you to other people, places, and things. These cords are not on your conscious level but exist at the subconscious and unconscious levels. Despite the fact that you cannot see or feel them with the naked eye, they still have the ability to greatly affect your life.

There are positive energy cords that connect individual to individual for the mutual benefit of both parties. These cords exist in relationships between lovers, parents and children, siblings, close friends, long term co-workers, and anyone that you might feel a deep and positive connection with. 

These positive energy cords may be connected at the heart space and energy will travel back and forth between the two individuals. Overall, the energy exchange is positive, loving, and supportive. There may be times where one individual needs more energy than another but overall there is a balance that exists, with the exception of parent and child relationships, where often the parent gives far more than they take with a child. 

Positive energy cords need to be nurtured to keep the energy flowing between two individuals. One question you can ask yourself is, “How can I be more loving and supportive in my relationships with others?”

Tending to your relationships like you would tend to a flower garden keeps them happy, bountiful, and beautiful.

The flip side of positive energy cords is having negative cords of attachment. These cords do not feed you positive and loving energy but rather take it away from you. When there is a negative cord, it will syphon your energy and give it to the individual on the other end of the cord.

While this sounds pretty awful, remember that all of this is happening on the subconscious and unconscious levels. This is not necessarily someone maliciously attempting to steal all of your lovely energy, but rather, it is likely a subconscious energy attachment that supports them while draining you.

There is a wonderful book entitled “The Celestine Prophecy” that covers the idea of energy theft between individuals and discusses an ideal way to exchange energy between people instead. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, I highly recommend reading this book.

If you’re now wondering if anyone has a negative energy cord attached to you (or if you might have a negative energy cord attached to someone else) there are two helpful questions that can assist you in finding that answer:

1.    Am I unbalanced in any of my current relationships?

Be honest with yourself here. Is there anyone in your life currently that you either take more energy than you give or that you give more energy than they give in return?

If so, it is quite possible you have an energy cord of attachment with them that is negative. The next question you want to consider in order to rectify this is, “How can I bring balance into this relationship?” Do you need to change the way that you are showing up for the relationship, perhaps by giving more energy to it, or conversely, by setting up boundaries so the other individual cannot continue taking so much energy away from you?

In some cases, the fix is simple and quick, but in other cases, you may want to ask yourself if you would benefit from ending the relationship entirely. Each relationship must be taken as a case-by-case basis and there is no one right way to handle these cords. You have to really ask yourself if you are being served by being in this relationship with this person or if you’d be better served by not having them in your life. This is especially true in cases of abuse or relationships with toxic individuals. Remember that you get to choose who you allow into your life and you are under no obligation to keep people in your life who do not respect you or treat you with kindness, love, and compassion, regardless of who they are and how they are connected to you. 

2.    Is there somewhere that I have persistent, unexplained physical pain?

Barring your lifestyle, physical activities, or lack thereof creating pain for you, is there somewhere that you have frequent pain that has no known medical explanation? There may very well be a negative energetic cord attached to this space. Energy cords can cause pain because our body’s way of signaling to us that something is off is through pain. 

Your body is a really fascinating and complex organism that is capable of so much, including self-healing (from some things). There is a lot that exists on the connection between the body’s aliments and the metaphysical causes of those aliments. 

Another great book suggestion is “Heal Your Body,” by Louise Hay. She covers different medical issues and the metaphysical causes of them as well as the positive affirmations to heal them.

The pain you feel may be at the site of the “attachment” of the energetic cord. Cords are often attached to one of the seven main chakras and may pull energy from those spaces. Each chakra relates to a physical space on the body. 

So, for example, if a cord is attached at your sacral chakra, you may have unexplained pain in your hips. Cutting this cord can alleviate the pain (and that’s also a sign to you that this is where that pain was coming from)!

If you’ve determined you have a negative energetic cord, you can take action to heal it. Action can be in the form of shifting the energy of the relationship from negative to positive by approaching the person and the relationship from a new space, by setting up boundaries and sticking to them, or by cutting the cord. 

For a free Earth based cord cutting invocation you can do today, click here.

Please note! Just because you cut a cord does not mean that you necessarily end the relationship. It can mean that, but it can also mean that by cutting a cord you clear the space for a brand new, healthy, positive cord to be attached. You should be sure of what your intentions are with cord cutting before you begin. 

Do you want to cut the cord and the person out of your life? Or, do you want to cut the current cord and allow space for a new, positive cord to be attached? When you begin this process, be clear on which outcome you desire. 

To cut a cord, write a letter. This letter is intended to be written to the individual, but not given to the individual. It is intended to be either torn up and thrown away or burned in a fire. 

For a fire ritual for cord cutting, watch this short YouTube video.

In this letter, get out everything that you might be holding onto about this person. It does not have to be compassionate or kind. Be authentic! If you are angry with this person, allow that anger to flow out of you as you write this letter. This is your space to feel your emotions and release them. It is your opportunity to clear the space between you and another individual. It is not the time to monitor your behavior or judge yourself for how you think and feel about the person or the situation.

The more honest you can be with yourself the more healing you’ll be able to experience. 

Once you’ve written this letter, you have two options: tear it up into pieces and toss it in the trash (and take the trash out if you happen to live with this individual – there’s no need to reconnect a negative cord) or burn it (safely) in a fire. 

Energy is released through your hands and your mouth. By writing down your feelings you allow them to be released from you rather than keep them close to you (the thoughts in your head will continue to circle around energetically if there is not a space for them to be released). 

This will create a significant shift in your energy. It is a very powerful healing experience that you can create all on your own. Be proud of yourself for doing this kind of work. It takes serious strength and courage to take ownership of your life and your energy. 

When you’re finished the cord cutting process, give yourself the time and space to rest. Often, energetic work can leave you feeling a little drained temporarily while your body readjusts. Drink some extra water and if you feel you need to, take a nap or go to bed early that evening. 

Be mindful that when you cut cords with others, some interesting things can happen next:

The person reaches out to you:

This because on some level, they have felt the energy disconnect and they are trying to reconnect it (all of this is not conscious to them). When this occurs, it is a great sign that your process worked! It is also a great opportunity for you to reconnect the cord in a healthy and positive way, if you desire to do so. 

The person shows up in your dream space:

This is also on the deeper levels of consciousness but when the person shows up in your dreams it can be another indication that you have successfully severed the cord. The dream may provide you additional information about them or the relationship or even a greater clarity of understanding about it. 

Nothing happens:

This is also totally okay. Not everyone you cut a cord with will feel it or reach out or show up in your dreams. If nothing happens at all following your process it does not mean that it didn’t work, it simply just might mean that they were also ready to let the cord go. 

As a living, breathing, human being in this great big beautiful world we live in, there are many amazing things going on around us each and every day that are just slightly beyond what our normal senses can perceive. 

This subtle energy is full of information and magic and energy cords are just one of the ways that subtle energy exists and affects your life. 

By learning more about your own energy and how to direct it, you gain greater control over your life.

Take your power back with my signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom. Click here to learn more.

Click here to book a private session with me.

If you enjoyed this blog, check out the accompanying YouTube video but with an animated twist and more personal stories from Erica’s life experiences with energy cords.

Click here for the Fire Ritual for Cord Cutting video.

*This blog contains affiliate links. If you purchase from the links, I earn a small commission.

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Hi, I’m Erica

I love doing energy work, particularly reiki, intuitive readings, and yoga.

I see and experience a whole bunch of things other people seem to miss thanks to some some pretty wild intuitive abilities.

I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything.

I hope you cut all the cords you don’t really want and make the effort to nurture the ones you do. It really does make a big difference in your experience of life.


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