Third Eye Opening: The Awakening of My Spiritual Insight

When I first started practicing Reiki on others, I quickly realized I had some sort of ability that I had never recognized before.

It felt as if I was reading the minds and energy fields of other people.

Aside from never being taught how to do this, I also had no idea an ability like this even existed. 

Prior to these profound Reiki experiences, I did have some unexplained psychic events in my past. The first one I can recall clearly was a dream I had at the age of 15 or 16, in which I was skiing with an older, balding man. At the time, I was in the Ski Club at my high school and I would take ski trips to a local mountain. During one of these ski trips, I signed up for a ski lesson. The ski lesson had two students in it: me, and the older balding man. 

That experience left me feeling really strange for quite some time. I couldn’t understand how I could have dreamt that he existed and that we would be together in the same space without ever having met him before. I was raised with religion and at the time, strongly believed both in my religious upbringing and in God. I figured that somehow, this was a sign that we truly were not alone in the universe. 

Moving forward, I kept having dreams that foretold the future.

These dreams became rather helpful to me because at times, they would prophecy an emotionally challenging situation. By the dreams creating awareness that these situations could happen, I was able to mentally and emotionally prepare for them. Then, when they did occur, I was able to show up as a better version of myself. I became used to having dreams that prophesied my life and it eventually became my normal and something I regularly expected and experienced. 

As time progressed, I also began to receive messages in my waking state as well. When I was 26 years old and pregnant with my younger son, I recall laying on the couch shortly after I found out I was pregnant. I heard and felt very clearly that there were going to be some medical issues with this baby, but that things would work out okay overall. I remember telling his father this news, who then asked if I thought we should keep the baby. I told him yes, everything was going to be okay, but there would be some medical stuff we would have to address.

I had bouts of bleeding early in the pregnancy, twice thinking that I had lost the baby. During the second bout of bleeding, I was told that I had a twin miscarraige, but that one baby still had a heartbeat. At twenty weeks gestation, the ultrasound found a problem with my son’s heart. He had what is known as a “right aortic arch,” which means that the aorta is on the right side, rather than the left side, of the heart. He was also gestationally small, with smaller bones than normal. I was to continue on with the pregnancy, but the baby would likely need surgery either immediately after or shortly after birth. 

My son was born via induction, five days late and a full four pounds smaller than his older brother, born almost three years prior. At eight weeks, he had heart surgery to repair what was actually a “double aortic arch,” which meant that his aorta had formed on both sides of his heart and was creating a circle around his trachea and esophagus. If left untreated, he would die, for as he grew in size, he would essentially strangle himself from the inside. 

Prior to surgery, he wasn’t able to cry much more than making some puppy-like sounding noises. His surgery was successful and his heart later healed from some holes it had as well. He would also undergo a tongue cutting procedure, ear tubes, hernia surgery, and the discovery that he had to eat a gluten and dairy free diet. While he did end up having a host of medical issues, ultimately he was okay and today is a relatively healthy teenage boy. 

Without the message I received in early pregnancy about his health, I know I would have had a much more difficult time with all of his medical issues. But because I had heard and felt very clearly what his experience would be and I trusted what I heard, I felt safe even as we moved through some difficult things. 

My abilities continued to progress quite naturally, mostly in auditory and gut feelings. Once I began taking yoga and meditating regularly, they began to become more frequent. I eventually got so used to having them that when I didn’t hear them, I wondered if I was somehow blocking them or doing something wrong and therefore not receiving them. 

I had no one to talk to about any of this. While I was married, my husband was aware of my dreams and occasional messages, but for a variety of reasons, he was inclined to deny the validity of anything I dreamt or picked up about him. This only led to confusion for myself. I often thought, was I making it up? Was I just crazy and I didn’t know it? It was only after our divorce that he confirmed that what I dreamt was not only true, but scarily accurate and my timing on the things that I picked up impeccable. 

For obvious reasons, most people typically don’t talk about hearing voices or having prophetic dreams.

I was scared to trust anyone with this information. I worried that as a single mother, I could have my children taken away from me or that I would be put in a hospital or on medication - neither of which I felt I needed. The messages I picked up in my yoga and meditation weren’t scary to me, but rather, helpful, insightful, positive, affirming, and welcome. 

During my first Reiki training, I attempted to ask my teacher about the messages I received. I imagine I must have looked quite terrified when I said that I heard voices and I asked her who or what that might be. She explained that it was probably my higher self (this was a term I hadn’t yet heard). She also explained that if the message was wrapped in peace, it was safe to listen to, but if it sounded scary or fear based, it was probably coming from my ego (this was a term I had heard but didn’t fully grasp at the time). 

I spent a lot of time after that training researching “higher self” and “ego” and how to tell the difference between the two. I also began to find YouTube videos by other people who also claimed to hear messages and was able to see that there were very distinct similarities between my experiences and their experiences. Eventually, I began to feel really fascinated and less weary of my heightened senses. 

With time, patience, practice, a lot of meditation, and eventually offering Reiki sessions and readings to others, I learned how to utilize my abilities. Aside from the incredible value they provide in my own life with helping me feel safe and prepared for life’s more difficult moments as well as guiding me towards my ultimate destiny, they are incredibly helpful for others as well.

Shortly after I began practicing Reiki on others, I felt deep in my soul that this is why I existed. 

My Reiki sessions consist not only of sharing the wonderful healing energy of Reiki, but also incredible amounts of information from the bodies, minds, and energy fields of my clients. I love offering this modality and connecting in this way. Reiki and intuitive readings help draw out the truth and bring it to the surface so it can be known. Not everyone is eager to know and/or live their truth, but for those who are ready for it, profound life changes can occur.  

I’ve also been teaching Reiki for over three years now, certifying people in this beautiful healing modality. One of the main focus points of my Reiki trainings is intuitive abilities. For the most part, I tend to attract students who are highly intuitive. Some of them are aware of their abilities and have figured out how to use them and others are just opening up to them. I love providing for them what I didn’t receive in the beginning of my awakening: knowledge on intuitive abilities and how to develop them and confidence that they aren’t making it all up. 

Learn more about my Reiki trainings here.

Learn more about my one-on-one Reiki sessions here. 

I hope that you have the courage to explore and develop your own intuitive gifts. It is my firm belief that everyone is intuitive, but not everyone has figured out how to tap into this incredible ability. By doing so, you’ll help make your own life a little more peaceful and quite possibly, the lives of those you love as well.

Hi, I’m Erica

I’m so happy you’re here!

I help people live a more peaceful, more fulfilling, and more authentic lives.

Consider booking a free consult call to learn more about the ways I can help you live your best life.


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