How to Cut an Energy Cord After a Breakup

Severing the energy cord between you and your ex partner is the best way to allow yourself to feel, deal, heal, and move on from an old relationship.

Energy cords are easily seen or felt by those who are sensitive to energy. For the rest of the population, however, it might seem a bit hocus pocus. I get that, as there was once a time in my life that I didn’t have the sensitivity I possess these days. But I’ll assure you that regardless of your sensitivity, you can cut an energy cord. 

There should be a fair warning, however: once a cord is cut, it is cut. Yes, a cord can be reattached. Yes, a new cord can be created. But the cord that currently exists will no longer. So, before you cut any cords, you want to be really sure that this is what you want to do. I highly suggest you first read my article here before cutting a cord post breakup.

Please note that cord cutting isn’t about denying your emotions or spiritually bypassing your experiences, but rather, being fully present to your full truth and best forward path, without being consumed by unnecessary excess of emotion or intrusive thoughts that can accompany a break up. In the ceremonial process, you honor your emotions by giving them the space to surface both before and after the cutting. 

This process is for you to be able to move on in your life without feeling stuck. If you know for sure it’s what you want to do, read on:

  1. Create a ceremonial vibe around your cord cutting.Allow yourself to be alone in a room. You might like to light a candle, or burn some sage or herbs. None of this is necessary, but it is nice. Lay down on the floor or bed and take a few moments to center yourself. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Allow any emotions to rise to the surface. You might feel fear, anger, sadness, relief, joy, love. Any and every emotion is possible. Welcome whatever comes and allow it to rise and fall. 

  2. Find the energy cord. If you’re sensitive to energy, you’ll be able to see it or feel it. If not, use your imagination. For romantic relationships, the cord is most often rooted in your heart. (In cases of relationships where there was abuse, the cord may be rooted in another area). Wherever you think it is, that is where it is.

  3. Cut the cord.Tune into the cord, and imagine yourself pulling out a very large pair of scissors, or, if it feels appropriate, a chain saw or larger cutting instrument. Next, imagine completely cutting the cord. Be sure the entire cord is severed and you haven’t left any strings attached.

  4. Pull out the root.Draw your attention to the remaining root. You can use whatever tools you fancy to pull the rest of the root from your energy field (shovel, prongs, etc.). Be sure you’ve cleared the root away entirely. Depending on how deep the root, you might be in this space for a little while.

  5. Fill in the empty space.Finally, fill in the newly empty space with either bright white light or gold. Give yourself a few minutes to rest in this space. You may feel more emotions rise to the surface. This is expected and perfectly okay. Allow them to rise and fall. Wait until a feeling of relief or peace washes over you. Once you have felt relief or peace, or an overwhelming feeling of love, you will know you have properly cut the cord. 

You’ve now completed a cord cutting! Moving forward, you sometimes might feel memories or emotions arise, but they should be less intense and slightly more distant to you than before. It should be easier to move forward in your daily and dating life. The weight of emotion should be far easier to bear. 

Clients often tell me that the emotional intensity of the connection or break up ended with the cord cutting, allowing them to process the end of the relationship with more clarity and a greater understanding. 

Additionally, gratitude often follows the end of a grieving process. When you’ve shifted to a space where you have gratitude for the past, and your ex partner, you’ll know you’ve come full circle in your journey with them.

May your journey be filled with as much peace, love, and goodness as you can possibly endure. 


HI, I’m Erica

When I’m not giving Reiki sessions or teaching yoga or meditation, I’m usually in nature.

Here’s me in Oslo, Norway.

I’m so grateful to have you here and I wish you the most peaceful, most fulfilling, and most authentic life possible.

Let’s Connect:

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