What's a Sacral Chakra and How Do I Know if it's Balanced?

Chakras are all the buzz these days, and rightfully so.  But the theory of chakras has been around way longer than the newest books, yoga classes and home décor have. And, these powerful energy centers do more than just look pretty on a wall hanging – they actually affect your entire life


There are seven main chakras in your energy field that get the most attention when people talk about the chakras. 

They are:

1.    The Root

2.    The Sacral

3.    The Solar Plexus

4.    The Heart

5.    The Throat

6.    The Third Eye

7.    The Crown

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in your system and this chakra is all about emotions, pleasure, relationships, sexuality, and creativity. It is located approximately two inches below your belly button, square with your hips. 

  • With a solid sacral chakra, you feel and express your emotions in a healthy way. 

  • With a solid sacral chakra, you understand how to learn from your emotions. 

  • With a solid sacral chakra, you enjoy the pleasures of life.

  • With a solid sacral chakra, you have positive relationships with yourself and with others.

  • With a solid sacral chakra, you are confident and comfortable in expressing your sexuality in a healthy way. 

The sacral chakra is important when it comes to living a fulfilling life. The energy in this space must be balanced for energy to continue to flow up through your chakras. Like water, you want your emotions and energy to be constantly flowing – not becoming stuck or stagnant. 

Energy flows from the bottom of your chakras (through the root chakra) up through the top (to the crown chakra). If energy isn’t able to flow up through your chakras it will get stuck in a space and only some (or none at all) will continue up through your chakra system. This will leave you feeling out of balance. (Because, well, you are).

The sacral chakra is often affected by the energy of guilt. If you can’t enjoy yourself in life without feeling guilty in some way, then you very likely have a sacral chakra that needs a little love. 

Take a moment to think about these aspects of your life:

  • What is your relationship with food? Do you have a positive and healthy relationship with food, or a negative and unhealthy one? Do you feel guilty when you eat certain foods? Enjoying food you love in a positive way can be a source of joy in your life, but if you feel guilty for eating it, you affect both the experience of eating and your ability to feel joy. 

  • What do your relationships with others look like? Do you have positive, healthy relationships or do you have negative, unhealthy relationships? Do you often argue with others or do you live in balance with others? Do you feel guilty when you don’t give “enough” in a relationship or when you take time for yourself? 

  • What does your relationship with your own sexuality look like? Are you content with your sex life? Are you positive about sharing yourself sexually or do you feel guilty when engaging in sexual activities (with another or on your own)? Your sexual self is a natural part of your experience in life and the feeling of guilt can disrupt your ability to experience pleasure when it comes to sexual activity. 

  • Do you feel and listen to your emotions? Do you feel guilty about certain emotions you experience? Emotions are a natural and normal part of life and experiencing all of them is healthy. Feeling guilty for feeling certain emotions can affect your life in a negative way.

  • Do you have a creative outlet? Creativity comes from the sacral chakra and helps keep it in balance. Do you love to cook, bake, write, draw, color, paint, build, sing, play an instrument, etc.? If not, what can you begin to do to tap into your creativity? Keeping the creative juices flowing will help keep your sacral chakra in balance. 

If you found that any of the aspects listed above are out of balance for you, it is likely that your sacral chakra is in need of some of your love and attention. Choose from one of the topics mentioned above that you are not in alignment with and begin to shift your energy around it. This could look like:

  • Enjoying a meal or special treat without feeling guilty about it

  • Taking time for yourself without feeling guilty about it

  • Finding ways to have more harmonious relationships with others

  • Taking an honest look at your sexuality and how it makes you feel

  • Tuning into and honoring your emotions as they arise

  • Finding a way to express your creativity. 

Understand that healing the sacral chakra if it is unbalanced is not an overnight job. It will take continued time, awareness, attention, and effort to keep yourself in balance. However, the energy that you can feel with a balanced sacral chakra is that of pleasure and joy – and those feelings are totally worth the effort, for they are two of the greatest feelings one can experience in life. 

You are here to live your life to the absolute fullest. Whatever you dream you can create. This beautiful life is yours for the taking but only if you reach out to grab it. At times, that might mean you have to step out of your comfort zone. Other times it might mean you have to shift your priorities or shift your perspective, but whatever you desire can be yours. You have to believe in yourself, believe in your life, and invest in you.

Joy and pleasure are your birthrights. You do not need to earn them to feel them, you simply need to be alive, aware, and accepting. Open up your sacral chakra for the energy to flow in and through you and give you an incredible experience of life. It’s why you’re here, after all. 

Take a free mini Yin Yoga for the Sacral Chakra class here to help balance and strengthen your sacral chakra

Take a deep internal dive and learn how to clear and activate all seven chakras and create the space for the life you truly desire with my signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom. This program combines the incredible modalities of energy healing, yin yoga, journaling, self-awareness, and more to help you reconnect you to you, live a life with more peace, more fulfillment, and more authenticity, and feel safe and divinely supported to be your authentic self in the world. 

Click here for more info on Four Weeks to Freedom.

Click here to schedule a free consultation call or individual session with Erica.

Erica Onofrio is founder and owner of Soul Dreams Studio, created with the mission of helping others live more peaceful, more fulfilling, and more authentic lives. 

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Hi, I’m Erica

As a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and Intuitive, I’ve come to experience the world in a very different way. I am a lover of all things energy! I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything. I’m here to help you shift your energy and change your life!


Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet


What's a Root Chakra and Why Does it Matter?