What's a Root Chakra and Why Does it Matter?

Chakras are all the buzz these days, and rightfully so.  But the theory of chakras has been around way longer than the newest books, yoga classes and home décor have. And, these powerful energy centers do more than just look pretty on a wall hanging – they actually affect your entire life


There are seven main chakras in your energy field that get the most attention when people talk about the chakras. 

They are:

  1. The Root

  2. The Sacral

  3. The Solar Plexus

  4. The Heart

  5. The Throat

  6. The Third Eye

  7. The Crown

The root chakra is the first chakra in your system and from this chakra all others are given life (like, literally and figuratively). Here’s why: The root chakra is responsible for your foundation in life. 

  • With a solid root chakra, you feel free to experience this journey of life however your little (big) heart desires. 

  • With a solid root chakra, you feel safe to be here, in your body, living your life.

  • With a solid root chakra, you feel supported by the Earth (or source, or God, or the universe, or whatever name you’re rolling with these days).

  • With a solid root chakra, you feel grounded in life and in who you are. To feel grounded means that you feel really, fully here and really, fully alive and really, fully real. You and your body are BFF’s.

  • With a solid root chakra, your energy will rise up through your chakra system easily.

 What does that mean?

Energy flows from the bottom of your chakras up through the top. (It can also flow from the top to the bottom, but only if all of them are open and active). 

If the energy in your root chakra is wonky, it gets stuck in that space and only some (or possibly none at all) will continue up through the rest of your energy system. Read: you feel pretty crappy, like, always

Those who live in a space of fear often have root chakras that are out of alignment. Why? Because for a chakra that thrives on feeling safe, feeling fear is definitely going to throw things out of whack. Can you see why?

If something is dependent on a particular feeling – this chakra being the feeling of safety – and yet it never gets to feel that safety, it willnot beable to function properly. 

The world we currently live in unfortunately supports the energy of fear on a mass scale. Have you watched or read the news lately? While crime is actually statistically low, the amount of reporting of it on the news makes the world look a whole lot scarier than it actually is. 

People are also unfortunately victims of abuse within their own homes at alarmingly high rates and by the very people they expect to love and support them. If you do not feel safe to be in your own home, it will be incredibly difficult to feel safe in your body and in your life. 

The current economic climate of our country (here in the United States) also doesn’t allow for most folks to feel safe. With the majority of U.S. citizens living paycheck to paycheck, not having financial safety also lends to an unbalanced root chakra.

So, what to do?

Your root chakra is your starting point. The very first step is to begin to reduce the amount of fear you have and increase the amount of safety you feel.  At first, this might feel strange to you because it is not a way you’ve ever lived before. However, I urge you to push through it. You can and will come out on the other side if you remain consistent, committed, and aware. 

  •  If this means leaving a toxic relationship or household, do it.

  •  If this means changing the way you think about, make, and spend money, do it.

  •  If this means not watching the news or getting caught up in the latest tragedy, post, or video you come across, do it.

  • If this means getting really honest with yourself about where you are potentially neglecting your own self and your safety, do it.

  • If this means setting boundaries you’ve never set before and are scared to set, do it. 

Do whatever you need to do to start to feel safer on a regular basis. 

As your root chakra comes into balance, life will feel differently. Where you might have passed on an experience or an opportunity in the past out of fear, you’ll step into this space. Where you might have lived in a space of lack before, you’ll now find abundance. Where you might have felt disconnected from your own body, you’ll now feel connected. 

Maintaining a balanced root chakra (and a balanced chakra system as a whole) is not a one-time thing, as throughout your life there will always be challenges and opportunities that affect how your energy system operates. However, taking the time to build a solid root chakra is akin to a tree spreading out deep, thick roots into the Earth. If a tree with shallow roots encounters a storm, it will likely not survive. But a tree with thick, deep, and spread out roots will likely not be uprooted at the first sign of strong winds or a storm. 

You want to be like the thick tree and grow deep roots that will help you stand strong and tall against any storm. 

You are here, living this incredible life in this incredible human body with this incredible human mind and all that you desire out of this life is possible for you – but there’s one not so small catch. You have to believe that you are worth it, deserve it, and are capable of creating it. And none of that will come from a rocky root chakra. 

So, start building yourself a solid foundation today. Not tomorrow, not next week or next month, but right here and right now today. Because a year from now, you’ll wish you started today. And if you do, a year from now could look and feel totally different than it does right now. 

Your root chakra will thank you.

Take a free mini Yin Yoga for the Root Chakra class here to help balance and strengthen your root chakra.

Take a deep internal dive and learn how to clear and activate all seven chakras and create the space for the life you truly desire with my signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom. This program combines the incredible modalities of energy healing, yin yoga, journaling, self-awareness, and more to help you reconnect you to you, live a life with more peace, more fulfillment, and more authenticity, and feel safe and divinely supported to be your authentic self in the world.  

Hi, I’m Erica Onofrio, founder and owner of Soul Dreams Studio. I created this business with the mission of helping others live more peaceful, more fulfilling, and more authentic lives. I am so happy to have you here!

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Hi, I’m Erica

As a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master and Intuitive, I’ve come to experience the world in a very different way. I am a lover of all things energy! I believe, more than anything, that energy affects everything. I’m here to help you shift your energy and change your life!


What's a Sacral Chakra and How Do I Know if it's Balanced?


You Are Enough: Loving, Accepting and Empowering Yourself to Live Your Most Authentic Life